This picturesque country in the Caucasus region of Eurasia which has 25% of its total territory declared
as a National park and 41% of total territory covered by stunning moutains and forests has enjoyed a
substantial increase in both its tourisim and migration. Visited by 157000 Iranians in 2015, had more
than doubled by 2017 to 323,000. Among 127 safest nations in the world Georgia ranks 7th, with its
increase in GDP in the recent years, this tiny nation has begun to offer two routes for entry that could
ultimatley lead to permenant residency and citizenship. Employment through an invitation by a
Georgian company is one obtion that will grant the applicant temprorey residency that could be turned
into permenant residency after the proper requirments are met and the purchase of realstate is the
second route to gain residency.
If you wish to consider any of the obtions to enter Georgia our counsultants will guide you step by step
from start to finish, our realstate contacts can pave the way for a safe and easy purchase of a house,
apartment or buisness. For further details please contact one of our Georgia specialists counsultants to
get you started on your new journey.
Please contact us at +98 (21) 8885 6120